About Us
NAI Spring Commercial Real Estate is supported by a strong family name doing business in Canton and surrounding areas for over 60 years and spanning four generations. Our deep ties in the community combined with our extensive knowledge of the local market has earned us reputation as a trusted source for commercial real estate services in NE Ohio.
Our History
1960s – Robert “Ampy” Spring with sons Merle and Don Spring began constructing warehouses to lease as a side to their electrical contracting business started in the 1920s.
1970s – 1980s – The third-generation continued development and leasing of properties that included retail, office, industrial and medical sectors.
1990s – 2000s – Fourth generation joined in the management of the extended family portfolio including build to suit projects.
2001 – Fritz, Brian and Dan Spring opened Spring Realty Group as a full service commercial real estate brokerage specializing in sales, leasing and management of third party commercial and industrial properties.
2008 – Spring Realty Group constructed new offices at 4607 Cleveland Ave NW, Canton, OH as preparation for growth and expansion of local market share.
2009 – NAI Spring Commercial Real Estate was formed when the firm joined NAI Global as the Stark and Carroll County member of the global managed network while maintaining local ownership and hometown loyalty.
2015 – NAI Spring’s Property Management Division merged with Brookwood Management.
2017 – Partnered with Lemmon Development.
2018 – Affiliate companies have grown to 1200 employees, 14 Danbury Senior Living, and 3 Corporate offices.
2020 – New corporate headquarters on Pittsburg Ave now houses NAI Spring, Brookwood Management, Lemmon Development and Danbury Senior Living offices.